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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » GERMAN ancestry from dad. SCOTTISH from mom. That's Donald J. Trump. Why does he demean Germans?

GERMAN ancestry from dad. SCOTTISH from mom. That's Donald J. Trump. Why does he demean Germans?

Trump treats Angela Merkel very rudely and does not speak highly of Germans either. HE IS GERMAN/SCOTTISH. How can he treat a countrywoman so badly? Did his German father share his feelings about being German? Shame on Trump. He treats a hostile Russian ENEMY(his beloved Putin) with far more cordiality (suckuppy LOVE) than he does our German ally. What is wrong with him? Misogynist? He can't stand any intelligent strong accomplished woman?  Tsk tsk tsk. His inadequacies are showing..of which there are so very many and they continue to grow in number. :(

Posted - May 30, 2017


  • 52987

    He's white.  You're white. Go ahead and tear down that correlation. 

      May 30, 2017 6:49 AM MDT

  • 32910
    Nothing wrong with saying USA is not happy about getting the short end of trade with Germany. 
    Also nothing wrong with expecting members of Nato to pay what they agreed to pay when they joined.

    Nothing to do with being or not being German. 
      May 30, 2017 7:58 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Hi m2c, of course one should never just accept the short end of the stick, I totally get that - but Trump was rude, he acted without manners and in the diplomacy stage, where manners and conduct count then that's truly not the way to behave. It will make more enemies and this is exactly the kind of thing that turns people off Trump. It's why I don't like him.. he is ill-mannered.. and as i say on the international stage that is not acceptable. I can hardly believe that it's acceptable there either? I am sure most Americans have manners and behave with decorum don't they? 

    And the additional thing is. he is rude and insulting to everyone.. he claims to like Brits but has lied to us, and insulted us several times already.. i am afraid the consequences of that are people elsewhere, who don't tolerate bullish ill manners won't tolerate it.. and this will affect their decision making.. 

    I hope you are able to understand what I mean... and my desire to explain why people don't like it.. I can't think that Americans are so used to ill manners and bad behaviour that they don't notice that Trump behaves appallingly? 
      May 30, 2017 10:42 AM MDT

  • 32910
    Not sure what he said... sounds like there was some confusion about it in German press. But personally I would probably word things differently from how President Trump does. But at the same time Germany knows exactly what to expect from Trump. Better than playing nasty nice with people. 
      May 30, 2017 10:49 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I take your point and thank you for saying it nicely, but the thing is.... when you say people know what to expect.. my answer would be yes, but it's still considered unacceptable..  and most other countries are not going to accept bad behaviour.. It's like if someone came to my house and insulted me.. I am hardly going to put out the welcome mat.  He is known to have said Germans are bad, very bad..and that it's bad that Americans buy so many German cars and he will stop that..And the thing most people that's downright rude, insulting and ill-mannered..Just trying to explain. 
      May 30, 2017 10:56 AM MDT

  • 1233
    He tweeted about the current trade relationship being bad and criticized them for not pulling their weight in NATO.

     “We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change.”

    The left tried to mischaracterize his remarks to E.U. officials as some kind of xenophobic anti German rant. It was nothing of the kind.

    Take this telegraph article. Supposedly conservative newspaper but the headline is designed to mislead. When you actually read the article it makes it clear he was just talking about the trade relationship, but they know most people will just scan the headline and get the wrong impression. That's how propaganda works.

    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at July 8, 2018 4:26 PM MDT
      May 30, 2017 12:58 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Well lol.. you would say that wouldn't you :P I note the comment about German's being bad, very bad and the one about the cars wasn't addressed.. 

    Personally I don't much care either way, I am purely addressing what we know he said because it's from his own mouth.  That some whitehouse goon said he didn't say that and has put the sentence into a less inflammatory and more grammatical sentence, doesn't really convince anyone.. a) it's their job to try to limit the damage done by such an unskilled orator as Trump.  WE know exactly how Trump speaks... and this is why his own team are thinking of censoring Trump's tweets...

    As to the guy who rather unbelievably said  “This is a translation issue. If someone is saying the Germans are bad that doesn’t mean this can be translated literally." not sure what planet he's on but it's hardly convincing.. if someone calls something a spade then they mean it's a spade, unless the speaker is so stupid he cannot be trusted to speak and mean his own words.... This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at May 30, 2017 1:10 PM MDT
      May 30, 2017 1:01 PM MDT

  • 1233
    Context is everything.
      May 30, 2017 1:08 PM MDT

  • 6477
    It sure is my friend, it sure is.. and the context of some scared sh**less wimp in the whitehouse running damage limitation is very telling context. 
      May 30, 2017 1:12 PM MDT

  • 1233
    LOL! Scared of what!! What are they going to do about it?

    Merkel can get on her knees and beg Trump not to tax their car industry out of the U.S.. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at July 8, 2018 4:27 PM MDT
      May 30, 2017 1:20 PM MDT

  • 6477
    scared of how badly Trump is performing.. trying to mitigate and avoid ratings slipping even further and further loss of  confidence in him.. All for the same reasons they are trying to get his tweets doctored to make them less loopy
      May 30, 2017 1:24 PM MDT

  • 13261
    You appear to be more worried about it than they are. Wishful thinking on your part?
      May 30, 2017 1:32 PM MDT

  • 6477
    And you, my sweet are mistaken, perhaps prone to reading things into something? I am merely explaining as my old mucker TrumpZ asked a question.. So happy to reassure you as I'd hate you to get no sleep tonight worrying and thinking I give a toss.. i merely said what most people in your own country are saying, not you for sure but...  

    Oh and btw - I'd really watch that tendency to make comments personal.. please try to remember this is just a forum where we get to discuss and debate.. it's not about me, it's not about you and trying to turn it personal all the time is really not helpful.. 
      May 30, 2017 1:50 PM MDT

  • 13261
    OK, but saying that somebody "would say that, wouldn't you" and that they're scared of Trump having poor ratings strikes me as quite personal. Careful about stones in the old glass house thing.
      May 30, 2017 2:10 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Happy to help you out with explanations..  TrumpZ and I are old muckers, turns out he's a Brit like me, who'd have thought eh? We live just down the road from each other.  Anyways, I was teasing said TrumpZ as he keeps on making it personal... an awful lot of the time I  comment now my friend TZ will jump in and start saying things like 'you are a lefty, you are this, you are that, you don't understand... ' I have reminded him several times this isn't about me or him or you... Perhaps you haven't noticed that tendency of Tzs and that's understandable but feel free to check it out.. I am horribly logical and pretty unemotional - i reply when asked.. TZ asked why they were scared.. I answered, giving the *known* reason... not sure how that's in any way personal? Mega not sure how it's personal to either TZ, you or anyone else.. it's well known why they are thinking of having a team edit his tweets.. my stating it on here is truly not personal  or wishful thinking..  
      May 30, 2017 2:23 PM MDT

  • 1233
    All the opinion polls are fake. If polls were worth a damn he never would have won in the first place. Conservatives love Trump. Besides performance is only measured by public opinion on election day. It means nothing the rest of the time.

    Telling us that he's unpopular is just more psychological warfare. It aims to take of advantage of the desire to be on the winning team. People don't want to emotionally invest in something that will fail. Opinion polls are propaganda that aims to create a self fulfilling prophecy. They tried that in the campaign, but all it did was make the left overconfident of victory.
      May 30, 2017 1:35 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Ahh fake news claims eh :P who said anything about polls.. this is down on the ground and not sure how many people you talk to... but the truth is that out there in America-land the majority aren't keen on him - like it or dont.. even those who defend him would agree he's fond of sticking his foot in it, that he lies, that he was chosen as the least worse option etc..  I appreciate there are those who have their own agendas and need to believe he's popular but the truth is.. he aint.. and that shouldn't be *news* to anyone.. just saying...

    Please do remember I have nothing to gain or lose by saying what i do.. I know it's convenient to try to make up explanations but being in the UK it hardly affects me if an utter twerp is the Prez.. lets remember we all laughed like drains over Bush...  so the thing to remember is.. claims of psychological warfare are very far fetched.. Trump#s hardly going to care what |I say.. and I cannot be on a winning team so that was really far fetched. 
      May 30, 2017 2:05 PM MDT

  • 32910
    Thank you, TrumpianZ, I had not actually seen the quote. If that tweet is what they are going on about....they are doing what the media here and evidently word wide does. Making a big story out of Fake False News. 
    Thank you again. 
      May 30, 2017 1:55 PM MDT

  • 52987
      May 31, 2017 2:55 AM MDT

  • 52987

      (Nato NATO)
      July 8, 2018 3:42 PM MDT

  • 13261
    Actually, Rosie, he's American, just like you and me. Why do you seem to have issues with that? You make many assumptions about a guy you've never met.
      May 30, 2017 9:02 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Just in the interests of adding to the debate... and said with honest intentions...  Trump is very well known to be *fond* of the UK because of his mother.. He has said so many times, that it's important to him as the place of his mother's birth. He says he feels some bond and affinity..  So i would think that ancestry, especially recent would have an influence.. I suspect the further back it goes the weaker it is.. like my grandfather was Canadian.. i feels some pull but really not that much and it was Trump's grandad I believe who was German..  I am afraid I do think Trump is just universally rude and has poor communication skills.. but then we know I am not his biggest fan. 
      May 30, 2017 10:46 AM MDT

  • 13261
    Sorry, but I don't consider this a debate. To me, this is just Rosie being her usual close-minded, anti-Trump self. She doesn't wish to hear anything to the contrary.
      May 30, 2017 1:10 PM MDT

  • 6477
    You are most welcome to consider it however you wish... it's no skin of my nose but I can very much assure you that my purpose is debate and discussion. I have learned much and hope to continue to do so..
      May 30, 2017 2:08 PM MDT